Make A Payment
There are lots of ways to pay your account:
By Phone: We can take your credit card over the telephone. Call 650-397-5694 during business hours.
By Mail: Use our return envelopes to send checks or credit card payments.
On-Line: Click the button to make a secure payment now with your credit card.
Pay Online Now
At the Office: Cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover), including with Apple Pay or Google Wallet.

On File: We can store your credit card in our bank's on-line vault and use it to pay your account after your insurance claims settle. All you have to do to pay is call, email, or text us saying, "put it on my card." If you prefer, we can even set it up to happen automatically so you don't have to do anything. We can set this up when you're in the office, or you can call.